Vice Chairman
& Managing Director,
Mr. Abdul Aziz Saad Al Kaabi

Yesterday was a distant dream and then became an idea and ambition soon began to be achieved, thanks to God, and reconcile  years of  continuous, serious, and ambitious work. The bright picture I have created in my mind has come to an end with creating a cohesive and robust investment group from our beloved country, Qatar, to fill the world’s horizons around us as a multinational entity.
Al Hattab Holding is the dream that I am talking about. After the company has achieved continuous successes in the Qatari and Arab market and has received appreciation and confidence, I cannot but thank all who had a role in this success.
I want to thank our customers which we are honored to offer our best thoughts, innovation, effort, and hard work to receive their satisfaction and precious trust. I also thank the incredible team that was credited with providing this bright image of creativity and high performance And remain, partners of success.
Finally, there is no doubt that successful management is the dream of every institution that strives for progress and excellence. This is what we are looking for now. It is more research and development to keep abreast of the latest technologies and systems to be truly worthy of reaching what we aspire to.

Holding General Manager
& Board Member,
Eng. Mohamed Amer

Al-Hattab have historically hired the right people, with the right experience, each focused on delivering the very best for our customers. Our emphasis on our people and customers has resulted in high satisfaction levels, making us one of Qatar’s employers of choice.
This emphasis has helped foster extremely high levels of customer loyalty. We live by this philosophy and see it bearing fruit each-and-every quarter. Our business operations continue to expand, providing a great future for our very best performers. It is a pleasure to lead such a winning group of people, all with a common goal of making this one of Qatar’s most successful enterprises.
We are adding an exciting new ventures to our business divisions and continue to have the appetite to strive for even higher levels of excellence. There is an exciting journey ahead!

Group Training & Development Manager
& Board Member,
Mr. Mohamed Fahmy

We believe that any successful work or project should be based on good planning & professional management. And one of the major keys of management is good communication & teamwork spirit which have a direct effect on work achievement & progress.
Our vision at our department is to perform high efficiency, effectiveness, productivity in all group departments, companies, & staff as well, through applying a controlled & smooth work system & procedures which should finally affect the group performance & profitability.
Finally, I discovered a new expression which is the sense of development;I can define this sense as a mix between creativity, marketing, and the desire of change by using good planning in addition to the necessary evaluation tools, and then you can reach your goal.

Board Member,
Group Marketing & Sales Director
Mr. Rawad Sleem

Achieving perfection is not just a result – it is a state of mind. Our pursuit to be the best fuelled by this passion at Al-Hattab Holding and its subsidiaries. Our Sales & Marketing efforts are aggressively focused on employer branding and employee empowerment. We have an army of people working for our Sales & Marketing team, as ambassadors of our brand. We have gone to great lengths to harness this and leverage it for our commercial success.
Our Sales & Marketing is undergoing an evolution, successfully integrating new technologies, digital marketing, social media, and data science, to help us grow the business even further. But even in a digital age, we have not undermined our core belief in the human touch.
We believe in face-to-face relationships as the lifeblood of our business. Our employees are equipped with the knowledge, pride, and care to drive our brand to new heights in both our established sectors as well as our new business ventures.
We have many exciting developments on the horizon both in Qatar and abroad. We’ll be sure Al-Hattab Holding is there to strike at the right opportunity.

General Manager
at Al Hattab Ready Mix
& Board Member,
Eng. Khaled Hussein

Our company sustains its growth with the rapidly increasing market share and brand value in the Ready Mix sector of Qatar.
Although Al Hattab Ready Mix is one of the youngest companies in the Qatari market, having dynamic, strong, and experienced management and sales & marketing team underlie the change and the success which we have created in the market.
Teamwork and think global but act local mentality makes our company unique and affords our competitive advantage. Moreover, our experienced team provides sustainable added value by exhibiting best practices in the market and superior customer service. For this purpose, all of our personnel are at your disposal in the light of our vision, mission, and values.

Chief Financial Officer
& Board Member,
Mr. Mokbel Abuayash

Al-Hattab Holding’s Accounting and Finance group excels in providing accurate and timely data, demonstrating integrity in relationships, and fostering a keen focus on delivering insights to its internal customers.
The Accounting and Finance Department ensures that human, financial, and information resources of Al-Hattab Holding are acquired and utilized efficiently. The team’s integrity and prudence help achieve, communicate, and report on the company’s goals and results in a timely and accurate fashion. We strive to champion the efforts of Al-Hattab Holding to become a risk-smart organization. We focus, at every level, on the effective management of resources to achieve results in a manner consistent with commonly accepted values and ethics.
The above virtues contribute to the integrity of the entire organization, which translates into excellent service, commercial terms that are fair, and a sustainable growing workforce of talented people you can trust. Our diligence as a team never stops, as our vision helps build an important foundation for Al-Hattab Holding to grow on.

Holding Head of Departments:

Group Procurement Manager,
Mr. Eiad Ibrahim

We have adopted a departmental focus on internal customer service, extending our best efforts for timeliness, commitment, and proactive project leadership.
We work with a shared purpose and vision, which helps us identify and acquire only the best materials and services to meet Al-Hattab Holding’s needs. We recognize the value of subject matter expertise, and therefore, we work as an extension of our internal customer’s teams to drive excellence in purchasing and logistics.
Acting in the best interest of Al-Hattab Holding, our teams work ethically, and with integrity, honesty and professionalism. Our service culture translates into excellent vendor relations. We work with a large variety of vendors who provide the goods and services that make Al-Hattab Holding run. We acquire these at the most favorable terms, conditions, and costs for the company. This, in turn, helps us keep our costs lower, much of which savings we pass onto our customers.

Head of legal,
Mr. Hatem Said

My team and I are proud to provide the company with skilled legal advice in a timely and efficient manner. We strive to handle each matter with accountability and responsiveness, as if we were representing ourselves in the court of law. We focus our attention on the legal aspects of our Company’s rapidly expanding businesses so that our group can focus their attention on the success of the overall business. Our actions reflect our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork
Our aims are to defend and protect the interests of the Company (via litigation, IP, government affairs, and compliance). We seek to win or settle key litigation or regulatory events with equal or better terms than the expectation of our internal clients. We routinely present on legal topics to company employees designed to reduce company risks and protect the interests of our people.

Group Human Resources Manager,
Mr. Mahmoud Kafarneh

We believe that the human resources department is a critical component of employee welfare. In Al Hattab Holding we value our human resources team and understand that they are the essence of the company because their job is to ensure that the business gets the most out of its employees. In other words, the human resource department needs to provide a high return on the business’s investment in its people and make sure that goals are attained.

Group Logistics Manager,
Mr. Mohamed Abdelhakim

Al Hattab Holding, Logistics management plays a vital part in operating our supply chain. With our precise logistics management in place, we deliver superior customer service then save time and money. We are firm in our belief that efficient Logistics management leads to a successful business.
Greater visibility throughout the supply chain is one of the benefits that Al Hattab’s Logistics department has. We put emphasis on close monitoring of what is happening at every stage and from time to time we take a closer look at our logistics to help us assess what to improve with how it operates.
Al Hattab believes that if a company provides a better service to its customers, it can attract more business. Hence, we continually improve Al Hattab Holding’s reputation by delivering on our promises, never having to turn a customer away or let them down. With greater productivity it enables us to make our business handle more orders than ever before. In a nutshell, people want quick and accurate service from a company that does what it says it will do.