Al-Kaabi Ready Mix Concrete Company is a leading producer of ready-mix concrete in Qatar’s Industrial area. Its products can be found across many of
Qatar’s construction sites.
Its technology is cutting edge, enabling it to produce ultra-strong concrete, which undergoes a comprehensive laboratory testing process before reaching the market. With its intense focus on quality assurance and quality control, the products of Al-Kaabi Ready Mix have gained significant market traction in recent years. This has facilitated the development of a second, significantly larger, factory to meet the needs of the Qatar market.
Al Kaabi Ready Mix’s latest equipped Laboratory is capable of doing and fulfilling all the tests and trials needed. These concrete laboratories are divided into units, quality assurance, and quality control. Concerning Quality Assurance, it is equipped with the required resources to conduct all the necessary tests of raw material as well as all the needed approvals and checks for the suppliers.
Al Hattab Concrete can proudly claim of being a 100% Qatari owned business. This ensures that we work with deep respect and understanding of the Qatari culture and history and still retain attention to the highest standard of ready-mixed concrete design. Al Hattab Concrete is continually expanding its knowledge and technical expertise in serving clients, to successfully meet the highest standard of excellence in terms of quality product and service.
Al Hattab Concrete is a relatively new company in the Al Hattab Holding portfolio. It provides full capacity production of ready-mix cement products.It has a new plant in the North of Qatar which helps fill a void in the market that includes the rapidly growing northern communities in Qatar. Operating with the latest technology, it is producing the highest quality ready mix available in Qatar today, building foundations and structures that will paint the skylines of Qatar for decades to come.
Al-Hattab Ceramics & Building Materials is one of the leading importers and suppliers of Ceramic in Qatar. It provides an expansive collection of products for almost any purpose in both residential and commercial applications.
Established: 2017
Al-Hattab building materials division is the building materials are of Al Hattab Holding and a sponsor of the world’s leading names in the world of wood and building materials. We provide our customers with wood, pipes, and building materials of the highest quality for a modern home.
Founded as a family business in 2018, All-Hattab Marble Division grew dramatically, in parallel with the historic growth of Qatar. Al-Hattab Marble Division is a Doha-based importer and distributor of fine marble and onyx materials serving Qatar’s construction needs. The company was established in 2018 and is a market leader in the breadth of stone products it offers, its affordability, and its service levels. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Al-Hattab Holding, also based in Doha, Qatar.
The Al-Hattab Marble Division is a pioneer in Qatar’s marble import industry. It sources, imports, manufactures, markets, and installs a wide range of products. Its products comprise natural, compacted marble, and quartz surfaces using the latest stone technology, and are used in flooring, tiles, cladding, and other vital applications. It has a purpose-built factory and exclusive distribution from licensed agencies indifferent countries.